The eternal wisdom
you carry as an individual
is waiting to be
discovered within you .

"Ending existential contradictions
is a mastery of life."

"Ending existential contradictions
is a mastery of life."

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It is the ability to be conscious of what is going on around us and what life brings. It is the skill of being a witness, looking at all of this without disturbing the flow of life or clouding the mind.


It is the ability of bringing back, through focusing, the unleashed potential power of the mind which has been scattered to thousands of different directions because of stray thoughts and uncontrolled emotions.


It is the ability to read the hidden reality behind every perceived thing, the inside stories of events and causes, the deeper meanings of forms and shapes, through the signs and symbols.


It is the ability to set boundaries and safeguard self-existence in order to protect oneself from random choices brought about by instinct and habit, to avoid any experience that does not support the life path to self-realization.

“Every failure encountered throughout life is really the absence of consent stuck some in time.”

— Fatma Meryem Suna


SATH Consciousness School


Life is a teaching in itself. Every mistake that can be remedied and not repeated is sacred. The SATH Consciousness School provides the necessary opportunities for conscious choices and the compensations needed on the path of life. It awakens people to their inner strength, intelligence and creativity, and guides them on the path to true inner freedom without making them dependent on anyone or anything. For this reason, it offers a person much more than personal development. It is a gateway to the possibility of bringing positive change to the world.



Soul mastery teaching of the SATH School of Awareness develops the “Spiritual Intelligence” that is the existential right and potential of every human being. Spiritual Intelligence, in its most basic and straightforward definition, is a form of psychological well-being. A state of well-being means, for a person, commitment to life, emotional balance, healthy relationships, self-acceptance, strong willpower, spiritual maturity, fulfillment and success. Spiritual Intelligence is a type of intelligence that supports the psychological well-being of every human being, provides balance and harmony between spirit, mind and body, reveals the purpose of life and unveils the necessary resources needed to put the talents related to this purpose into practice.



Certificate Programs

The Certificate Programs, requiring continuity, entail long-term, goal-oriented, disciplined, and planned education under the supervision of a master. Each stage of these programs, comprising three distinct phases, is divided into seven separate modules to facilitate the internalization and assimilation of knowledge. At each stage, the educational topics and features vary, and the programs offer dual access through online and face-to-face modalities.

Supportive Programs

Each program is a transformational and intensive retreat with unique content and approach. It prioritizes individual development by addressing the most crucial needs and pressing issues, offering mental, emotional, and somatic healing. It fosters profound insights and facilitates radical shifts in consciousness within a short timeframe.

Corporate Programs

Wisdom entails utilizing intuitive abilities honed through experience to perceive beyond the surface, discern extraordinary factors, and anticipate uncommon outcomes. This is the objective of Corporate Wisdom. Wisdom, as a management concept, offers strategies to enhance optimization and business intelligence, aiding decision-makers in reaching optimal and wise choices.


A master is the individual you choose to walk together to educate yourself with in order to learn an art or to hone a craft. Conscious living, akin to mastering an art form, is achieved through the guidance of masters, where true fulfillment blossoms from the continuous cultivation of awareness, mindfulness, and personal growth.
Under the radiant guidance of enlightened  mentors, souls embark on a journey of conscious existence, channeling their spiritual essence and awakening the depths of inner wisdom.


Corporate Wisdom


Wisdom entails utilizing intuitive abilities honed through experience to perceive beyond the surface, discern extraordinary factors, and anticipate uncommon outcomes. This is the objective of Corporate Wisdom. Wisdom, as a management concept, offers strategies to enhance optimization and business intelligence, aiding decision-makers in reaching optimal and wise choices.

We Help You Enlighten Your Path by Guiding You On Your Inner Journey.

Workshops & Retreats

Öz'e Erim Vakti ● 31 Temmuz - 4 Ağustos 2024 ● SathMahâl Gülistan

Kutsal Rahmin Sırları ● 22 - 25 Ağustos 2024 ● SathMahâl Gülistan


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Kabakum District, Islamlar Village, Lavanta Street, No:17 Dikili / İzmir