Selections from Conversations

Privacy: Ticket Home

The word "privacy," when translated into Turkish as "gizlilik" or "confidentiality," often fails to capture its profound significance in social discourse. In ..More


Prayer is an essential quality that every individual can cultivate—a foundational pillar of ancient wisdom and enlightenment. It is a skill, an art, through which we communicate our intentions and aspi ..More

Reputation and Prestige

The enduring truth, ever-present yet often obscured, unveils itself when one ceases to be swayed by the allure of approval—whether it be for likability, respect, or acceptance. It materializes when we ..More

The Four Elements

Water, Fire, Earth, and Air stand as the foundational pillars of the universe, guiding the rhythm of life itself. From the depths of the oceans to the vast expanse of the skies, all living beings find their esse ..More

Kabakum District, Islamlar Village, Lavanta Street, No:17 Dikili / İzmir