How would you prefer to receive support?

Nasıl Desteklenmek İstersiniz?

The emergence of recurrent problems and even illnesses on your spiritual journey, just as you approach the threshold of spiritual mastery and self-awareness through others' perspectives, often stems from the unconscious self-sabotage you inflict upon yourself. These challenges signify the final resistance of your mind, casting doubt on your competence just before you're poised to attain spiritual certification.
In essence, ailments manifest as a critique of the body—an expression of your mind's lingering skepticism about your capabilities. Inner turmoil, withdrawal, overwhelm, or humiliation are all echoes of your silent inner dialogue, constituting a resistance to the unfolding of your spiritual prowess. The mind, anticipating the imminent surge of spiritual potency, naturally seeks to lower itself—an egoic precautionary effort.
Progressing with a resolute, clear stance and consistent strides inevitably leads to a conjunction. Yet, in the directional test, you encounter strangers or separators, subjected to intense criticisms born from insecurity, aiming to anchor you in your current space. It's crucial to refrain from obstinately immobilizing yourself and to recognize that even the harshest criticism, often materializing as illness in the body, carries a hidden support behind it.
Throughout our developmental stages of spiritual competence, we've accumulated memories of being supported through hindrances. "Shackling" experiences, where challenges like "You couldn't do it! It didn't happen! You can't do it! Is that all? Why not something better? Another person does it differently... Perhaps take another look. It's not like that!" have become intrinsic motivators, shaping our path towards self-discovery
Do you know what a shackle is?
A short rope or chain tied to an animals two legs to prevent it from running away. As you know, we were born with an umbilical cord. We have always been reminded of this bond so that we can move forward with ambition, overcoming obstacles by building counter-force. In fact, it was a kind of secret support, loyalty of the soul, service from deep within.
But you tell me, do you need it now?
Indeed, the spectrum of support extends far beyond the confines of restraint. It is woven from the strands of cheering, applause, exhortation, admiration, and encouragement—a tapestry of upliftment that unfurls with each step of our journey.
Let us transmute the memories of shackles into those of open applause, respect, and admiration. Where once criticism festered, let wise counsel flourish, nurturing our growth with gentle guidance. May our presence expand under the canopy of inspiring support, as our perception of sustenance evolves, so too shall our energy.
With a swift stroke, sever the ties that bind us to memories of constraint, and in this moment, let us applaud our liberation. Thus, we transcend the crucible of criticism, unraveling the latent masochism within, and emerge reborn, bathed in the light of self-affirmation.

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